Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 day until departure

Before I start my post, let me say this: The ecogeek link to the right of the page has been fixed- if you clicked on it before it led you to a broken page- that is because instead of the correct adress suffix of .org, I had .com. No longer a problem!


Well, so much for making this a once a day project, eh? In all actuality, I have been excessively busy over the past few days, so I will be content with the excuses I make.
The past 2 days were spent in and around Boone, NC- a surprisingly beautiful and majestic place. I stayed a night in a rented cabin (my first cabin experience, though for you campers out there I was hardly roughing it). I stayed with my uncle and aunt, and my two young cousins (4 and 2 years old). I will post a picture in a later post.
I am now going to take a paragraph and talk about my adorable cousins- if you wish to skip to the next paragraph to hear about wonderful, modest me, then you may do so. This is the first time I have really spent any time with these two cousing. Their names are Mary James and Alexandra James, and they are half Russian (my aunt is from Russia). They are both bilingual (even the little one) and put me to shame to what little Russian I can speak and understand. Alexandra, though only two, has already tried to teach me some Russian words, such as pacifier. They each also have two names, one English and one Russian. Mary James is called "Masha", and Alexandra is known as "Shura". They are wonderful girls and excessively cute to an almost overwhelming degree. I hope in the future I will be able to see them more often than, say, once- which is my current record...

Anyway, back to magical me. Today was a day of preparation, both physical and mental. I packed my bags (two suitcases and two carry ons for 4 months abroad) today- one entire suitcase is filled with nothing else but scuba gear. I really hope to be able to get some great diving in while I am there. I would also like to get additional certification if I am able. I actually have been thinking about getting a job at the local dive shop in wilmington, though I am not sure how feasible this will be with my current low level of experience.

Anyway, we are now 32 hours and counting until I am on a plane to a place I have thus far only dreamt about. Tomorrow, God willing, I will talk about that camera company I love to hate, and maybe some more about my day.

As a final note, I would like to add to my post:


Antonina, my closest friend, turned 21 today (the 17th). I realize this post is an hour and a half past deadline, but heh, it's the thought that counts, right? I wish her the best of luck in the year to come, and I sincerely hope that her 21st year is her best yet. Everyone buy her a beer, or a kitten, or a 21 cannon salute. You know what? If you can find someplace that sells 21 cannon salutes, clue me in. I'd like to get one for myself.

P.S. I watched the film "Fool's Gold" today. It was quite entertaining- I found myself scrutinizing the scuba gear and technique more than anything else, which was actually quite good. The movie seemed like my ideal life, actually. I very much enjoyed it.

Until tomorrow, ta-ta.

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